Created in 2002 by Life Director Maureen Dwyer Smith, the Joffrey Women's Board champions the organization's mission, and are determined advocates for spreading the power of dance throughout Chicago.  For the 2023 Annual Women's Board Luncheon, the Joffrey celebrated 20 years of the board's impact, in addition to the 20th anniversary of Company Artist Victoria Jaiani.

Women's Board President Ellie Forman. 

Honoring the legacy of both Joffrey milestones, the program featured a conversation between Jaiani and the Mary B. Galvin Artistic Director, Ashley Wheater MBE, moderated by Abbott Academy Director Suzanne Lopez.

The Mary B. Galvin Artistic Director Ashley Wheater MBE, Abbott Academy Director Suzanne Lopez, and Company Artist Victoria Jaiani.

Explore photos from the event here and learn more about Victoria and The Joffrey Women's Board in the videos below. 

Victoria Jaiani | 20 Seasons with The Joffrey Ballet
Celebrating 20 Years of The Joffrey Ballet Women's Board