
Category Stage Notes

Princess and Robert at Robert's Pizza
Robert Garvey of Robert’s Pizza and Dough Company and Joffrey Artist Princess Reid.

DIY Nutcracker Pizza

Bake from the comfort of home. Follow along with Robert of Robert’s Pizza Co. and Joffrey Artist Princess Reid as they create this masterful Nutcracker-inspired pizza. It’s all about the balance, but also trusting your gut, so add as much or as little of the toppings as your hungry heart desires.

 What You’ll Need

  • Dough (ideally from Robert’s Pizza Co., a delcious sourdough ferment. Homemade works just as well).
  • Olive Oil
  • Mozzarella
  • Gorgonzola
  • Figs (Robert’s Pizza figs get marinated in a port wine)

Baking Instructions

Place in the oven on high heat, roughly 500 degrees, until the crust turns golden on top and the ingredients have melted across the crust. Robert’s tip for home ovens: Use two pizza stones—one for the bottom of the dough and one you can place above it. In effect, you’re creating a convention oven, which will bake the pizza evenly on all sides. 

Add the Toppings

  • Speck (you can substitute for a cured ham of choice like prosciutto)
  • Fig-infused burrata (regular burrata will do)
  • Pistachios
  • Walnuts
  • Calabrian Pepper Oil
  • Balsamic Glaze

For the full experience, blast Tchaikovsky‘s ubiquitous score of The Nutcracker and beg the universe for hefty snowfall in Chicago for the holidays. Happy baking!