Farissa Knox: Leaping into Action

Kaila Stang, cS MAGAZINE
New Joffrey Ballet Women's Board President Farissa Knox talks vision for the organization
Author, producer and COACT Agency president Farissa Knox recently added a new title to her high-profile resume: president of the Joffrey Ballet’s Women’s Board. Here, the Bronx-born and -raised Lakeview resident shares her passion for the Joffrey—and her plan to help the renowned company soar even higher.
What inspired you to get involved with the Joffrey Women’s Board?
I have been obsessed with the beauty, strength, and expression of ballet since I was a child. Although I did not have the chance to express myself through dance, as soon as I became a mother and saw the same intrigue in my daughters, I sought out ballet, taking them to lessons every weekend. In 2019, I was introduced to the leadership at Joffrey and have happily given more of myself to this amazing organization.
What does this organization mean to you?
I got started with Joffrey because I love the ballet. I’m still here five years later because of Joffrey’s inclusive and progressive definition of what ballet is. Since the company’s inception, the Joffrey has pushed the envelope on the art form itself. It’s the dance between holding on to traditional elements while also being the driving force of moving into the future.
What excites you most about the role?
The Women’s Board is a major component of Joffrey’s success. So, to be nominated and then asked to serve the organization in this leadership capacity is a true honor. As the first Black woman to hold this position, I also get very excited to have my daughters and the city of Chicago watch me make history.
What do you hope to achieve during your time as president?
I’m lucky to come in when the organization is doing well. Everyone is proud of the success of the stage and ticket sales. My goal is to identify opportunities for enhancement, whether it’s engaging our multigenerational Women’s Board in unique ways or working closely with staff. I will focus on strategy and ensure every action has a strategic “why.”